Taking the kids to school can be risky business!

We're home safe and sound! One thing that I'm really proud, lucky, thankful and grateful for is the my OH is a very safe truck driver. Fun had been made that he drives too slow and is a sissy on the road. But I'll tell you right now, if it wasn't for all the guys like him, trucks would be banned from the road.

It's not every morning I drive the girls to school. This morning was an exception. The sun is shining, the temps are warm, and I'm feeling energized, so why not! I get down around the corner, let me remind you our road is worse than a back woods twitch path, very bumpy and you have to go slow if you don't want thousands in repairs. But anyways, I'm going pretty slow because of the craters, there's no going over the line, the craters are there too. I look in the mirror and there is a truck flying up on my tailgate. Now I'm used to driving with OH, so I figure this truck is going to slow down, but then I realize, he's too close to slow down, I'm gonna get hit if I don't move. Thankfully, the snowbanks are melted enough so I could pull over just enough so he could go around me and the other lane was clear. After all was said and done and the renegade was in front of me, I thanked my lucky stars and cursed up a storm. That could have been bad!

What bothers me most, we know the driver and we also have been pushed off the road by him before. We also know he's been warned several times by authorities to slow down. I honestly feel it will take him causing harm for it to get through to him.

Drivers really need to understand there's all types of people on the road. 99% know that, are alert and pay close attention, but there's still that 1%, like this one, who think they own the road. I'm for making local drivers adhere to the same rules and restrictions as the over the road drivers! It'd definitely weed out that 1% :D

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A busy Mom, who is home, with 4 daughters who don't know any better than to keep her guessing every second of every day!


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