I need to move!

My desk sits facing the window. The problem with this is, I do my desk work in the morning, when the sun is shining the brightest and in my eyes. During the winter, this was no big deal. But now that spring has arrived, it's not working.

So a plan needs to be made. Where do we put this desk in our tiny tiny house without it being in the way? And I don't get squint wrinkles?!

Let the battle begin!

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Taking the kids to school can be risky business!

We're home safe and sound! One thing that I'm really proud, lucky, thankful and grateful for is the my OH is a very safe truck driver. Fun had been made that he drives too slow and is a sissy on the road. But I'll tell you right now, if it wasn't for all the guys like him, trucks would be banned from the road.

It's not every morning I drive the girls to school. This morning was an exception. The sun is shining, the temps are warm, and I'm feeling energized, so why not! I get down around the corner, let me remind you our road is worse than a back woods twitch path, very bumpy and you have to go slow if you don't want thousands in repairs. But anyways, I'm going pretty slow because of the craters, there's no going over the line, the craters are there too. I look in the mirror and there is a truck flying up on my tailgate. Now I'm used to driving with OH, so I figure this truck is going to slow down, but then I realize, he's too close to slow down, I'm gonna get hit if I don't move. Thankfully, the snowbanks are melted enough so I could pull over just enough so he could go around me and the other lane was clear. After all was said and done and the renegade was in front of me, I thanked my lucky stars and cursed up a storm. That could have been bad!

What bothers me most, we know the driver and we also have been pushed off the road by him before. We also know he's been warned several times by authorities to slow down. I honestly feel it will take him causing harm for it to get through to him.

Drivers really need to understand there's all types of people on the road. 99% know that, are alert and pay close attention, but there's still that 1%, like this one, who think they own the road. I'm for making local drivers adhere to the same rules and restrictions as the over the road drivers! It'd definitely weed out that 1% :D

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The List

I did not make a daily list. I have a headache. I had a tooth pulled last Thursday and since, I've had a daily headache. It's been promised that it will go away, eventually. Until then, I whine. I do not like headaches.

Back to the list.

Do you have a Daily List? I need one. If not, I forget everything that *needs* to be done. My list wasn't made this morning. I'm totally winging it today! My list keeps me reminded of the things that tend to be overlooked, like under the bed, fingerprints on the walls or the cobwebs in the corners. You know...things that you never notice, but everyone else seems to.

The way I work my list. Every morning I sit down with my notebook. Just a 1 subject, college ruled, cheap-o that is priceless. It has been known to cause numerous panic attacks when misplaced or mistakingly taken and used as a sketchpad for pretty flowers and unidentifiable creatures. I leave those pages in the books, I'm sentimental like that.

But anyways, the daily routine is written down on the page labelled for that day. No scheduled time, just what needs to be done everyday, dishes, laundry, make beds, sweep floors, start dinner, etc. Then what HAS to be done. Example: I put outgrown winter clothes in K&M's closet in a garbage bag to be hauled to the church some day. Well, somehow the bag exploded, all by itself, and threw up all the clothes, all over the closet. I could ask K&M to pick them up, but that would mess the already sorting I've done, because "There's my favorite shirt!" or "I love those pants!". So that is on my list. If not done today, it will roll over to tomorrow and keep nagging me until it's finally crossed off.

And the bottom right is labelled "Me". In that spot, I put in something that can be done for myself in 15 minutes. A cup of tea, a hot shower, read a chapter of my book, go soak up some sun, anything as long as it's for myself. A lot of us tend to forget to make time for ourselves each day. Just because you're home, doesn't mean you don't deserve that break. Take it! 15 minutes!

Always paper clipped to the list is a scrap paper of what I ran out of that day, or what the girls need. That paper moves from day to day. When my OH is home, we run our errands. For us, it's a family day and works much better this way. And nothing is more fun than D explaining why she needs a new pair of earrings to her Dad who is having minor issues with his girls growing up.

Appointments and school activities are also on the daily list. I keep a calendar at my desk, the freebies they send the kids home from school with. Each morning the calendar is checked and the appointment or activity, along with what is needed is written at the top of the page. Example: Tuesday, early release. Wednesday, trash day. 4-H, Thursday, bring trail mix for 10.

Each morning I check the previous day. What'd I miss? Write it down. Move the shopping list over. Sticky notes are all over the book, recipes, craft ideas, etc. How I keep my daily life organized and flawlessly functioning...IDK, my BFF Rose! But it works and that's all that matters :D

Do you have a list? Tell me about it!

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I've been blogging here and there for several years. But never with a set intention on what the blog specifically should be about. I deleted, started over, deleted, went from one platform to another, searching for just the right thing. Then I decided the heck with it. Our life is up and down and all around. There's no way to blog just one topic. So, I'm going to attempt to take this route and blog about our life as it happens. I plan on sharing the good times, the bad, the sweet, the sour, recipes, tips, ideas, creations, our life in general.

We live in Maine, in a quiet little town. Not much happens here. I think Miranda Lambert had the best description of our little town with this song . Yep, that's here :D

But anyways, I'm a stay at home Mom, been so for 14 years. A Mom of 4, all girls. And before you ask, yes it's a job and a half. I'd be bored, miserable and unfulfilled if I wasn't crazy 24-7. My girls range in age from almost 14 to 5. We are beyond the baby, toddler, and pre-school stages. I will be honest and say, I'm happy those stages are behind me and look forward to sharing my wisdom when I have Grandchildren. Until then, I thoroughly enjoy the self sufficiency and appreciate the extra helping hands now that my girls are older. And the crazy laughter and goofing off that occurs every 2 minutes or so.

My other half is on the road, driving truck. He's a simple man, likes a quiet life. A straight forward guy who knows what he wants and doesn't let anything get in his way. I've never met anyone who can sleep for 2 hours and work for the next 24. Our 7 yr. old has this gene too. He's a good man who believes the only way is determination, persistence, loyalty, honesty and hard work. He's got a huge heart, the "shirt of my back" type. More often than not, he's very serious, but when he's home, his smile never fades.

I'm very close to my Older Sister who lives too far away. She's my "oak tree" and has saved me from many nervous breakdowns. Her outlook on life is so very positive and she's full of so much love, patience, strength and laughter. I truly feel lost if I don't talk to her at least once a day. She's my daily affirmation!

We raise chickens. Also ducks and turkeys. We try to grow as many vegetables in the summer that we can fit into our small backyard. This is a fairly new venture. We've been at it for 4 years. Learned a lot and fell on our face a lot, but it's so much fun and interesting enough that we keep at it.

We have dogs, 2 of them. Both German Shepherds. Our female is a "can you take her in until I get out of the hospital" that has made a permanent home here now for 5 years. Our male was purchased by me, when I found out I'd be a single parent for 5 days out of the week, again. They're a lot of fun and we're blessed to have them here.

Other than that, the main goal of our life is to just raise our girls with everything they need in order to walk out the door into the world and not run back in and hide in the closet. Challenging? Oh yes, but challenges are fun and the rewards are awesome!

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A busy Mom, who is home, with 4 daughters who don't know any better than to keep her guessing every second of every day!


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